THOMAS BRYAN SMITH is a post-doctoral associate at the Bureau of Economic and Business Research/Clinical and Translational Science Institute Network Science Lab at the University of Florida. Thomas’ research leverages network science, natural language processing, and machine learning to examine the relationship between networks of social support and criminal behavior, and the structural and dyadic predictors of scientific collaboration. His recent work focuses on the longitudinal dynamics of co-offending networks, especially in response to law enforcement, the curvilinear relationship between topic overlap and scientific collaboration, and the impact of federal funding on innovation in science.
Ph.D UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA (2015-2020) Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law
M.S. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (2014-2015) Department of Criminology
B.A. UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM (2011-2014) Department of Political Science and International Studies
Smith, Thomas Bryan, Till Krenz, Raffaele Vacca, & Christopher McCarty (2021). Great minds think alike, or do they often differ? Research topic overlap and the formation of scientific teams. Journal of Informetrics, 15(1): 101104. DOI: 10.1016/j.joi.2020.101104
Smith, Thomas Bryan (2021). Gang crackdowns and offender centrality in a countywide co-offending network: A networked evaluation of Operation Triple Beam. Journal of Criminal Justice, 73: 101755. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2020.101755
Thomas Bryan Smith & Chris L. Gibson (2020). Marital Strain, Support, and Alcohol Use: Results from a Twin Design Statistically Controlling for Genetic Confounding. Substance Use & Misuse, 55(3): 429-440. DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1683202