UF Social Network Researchers

This is a list of social network researchers at UF. If you find someone missing from the list or want to add yourself to it, let us know.


Name Department E-Mail
Andrei Kirilenko Department of Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management andrei.kirilenko@ufl.edu
Anne Mook Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law acmook@ufl.edu
Christopher McCarty Anthropology ufchris@ufl.edu
Dalila D’Ingeo Anthropology dalidingeo@ufl.edu
David Cañarte Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law dcanarte@ufl.edu
David Dillon Anthropology davidtdillon@ufl.edu
Emilio M. Bruna Latin American Studies/Wildlife Ecology and Conservation embruna@ufl.edu
Gail Castañeda College of Public Health gcastane@ufl.edu
Jared Adams Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law jared.adams@ufl.edu
Jeff Johnson Anthropology johnsonje@ufl.edu
Jennifer Ferguson University of Stirling / Scotland jennifer.ferguson1@stir.ac.uk
Kelly Muzyczka Anthropology kmcalder4@ufl.edu
Kelsey Andersen Department of Plant Pathology andersenk@ufl.edu
Lindsey King College of Public Health and Health Professions linking@phhp.ufl.edu
Raffaele Vacca Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law r.vacca@ad.ufl.edu
Ryan Thomson Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law ryanwthomson@ufl.edu
Therese Kenelly Okraku Bureau of Economic & Business Research theresekennelly@gmail.com
Till Krenz Bureau of Economic & Business Research till.krenz@ufl.edu
Tolga Tezcan Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law ttezcan@ufl.edu
Tom Smith Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law thosmi@ufl.edu
Valerio Leone Sciabolazza Bureau of Economic & Business Research valerio.leonesciabolazza@uniparthenope.it
Yulia Strekalova College of Journalism and Communications yulias@ufl.edu