Population Studies Program

Population Recent Releases and News

06/28/2021 Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Florida and Its Counties, 2025–2045, With Estimates for 2020
04/19/2021 Projections of Florida Population by County, 2025–2045, with Estimates for 2020
01/05/2021 Florida Estimates of Population 2020
12/23/2020 Florida Number of Households and Average Household Size 2020
06/30/2020 Population Projections by Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin for Florida and Its Counties, 2020–2045, With Estimates for 2019

Percent Population Change from 2010 to 2020

2020 Population Estimates

Download the most recent BEBR Population Estimates (2020).

County Estimates & Projections

City Estimates

Florida Population Data

Florida Population Estimate (2020)
Change (2010-20)
Percent Change
2030 Projection: 24,426,200
2040 Projection: 26,428,700

The Population Program produces Florida's official city, county and state population estimates each year. it also produces population projections by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin for the state and each county.
Staff members conduct research on the accuracy of population estimates and projections , seasonal migration, the effects of hurricanes on population growth and a variety of other demographic topics. We offer professional services in these areas with geospatial analysis. Click here for more information.